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Core API


This object stores the states required to generate a ZK proof.

Example of usage:

// Instantiate CircomState
let mut circom_state = CircomState::new();

// Initialize with keys
let wasm_path = "./multiplier2.wasm";
let zkey_path = "./multiplier2_final.zkey";
let setup_res = circom_state.initialize(zkey_path, wasm_path);

// Prepare inputs
let mut inputs = HashMap::new();
let a = 3;
let b = 5;
inputs.insert("a".to_string(), vec![BigInt::from(a)]);
inputs.insert("b".to_string(), vec![BigInt::from(b)]);

// Proof generation
let generate_proof_res = circom_state.generate_proof(inputs);

// Proof verification
let (serialized_proof, serialized_inputs) = generate_proof_res.unwrap();
let verify_res = circom_state.verify_proof(serialized_proof, serialized_inputs);


Creates and returns a new instance of the struct.

pub fn new() -> Self


Initializes the instance with the given zkey_path and wasm_path.

pub fn initialize(
&mut self,
zkey_path: &str,
wasm_path: &str
) -> Result<(), MoproError>


Generates a proof based on the provided circuit inputs.

pub fn generate_proof(
&mut self,
inputs: CircuitInputs,
) -> Result<(SerializableProof, SerializableInputs), MoproError>


Verifies the provided proof against the given inputs.

pub fn verify_proof(
serialized_proof: SerializableProof,
serialized_inputs: SerializableInputs,
) -> Result<bool, MoproError>


Generates a proof based on the provided circuit inputs.


Note: The function is different from generate_proof.
In this function, the zkey and wasm are precompiled during cargo build.
You can specify the mopro-config.toml to build the default circuits.

pub fn generate_proof_static(
inputs: CircuitInputs,
) -> Result<(SerializableProof, SerializableInputs), MoproError>


Verifies the provided proof against the given inputs.


Note: The function is different from verify_proof.
In this function, the zkey and wasm are precompiled during cargo build.
You can specify the mopro-config.toml to build the default circuits.

pub fn verify_proof_static(
serialized_proof: SerializableProof,
serialized_inputs: SerializableInputs,
) -> Result<bool, MoproError>